Essential oils - how to use essential oils?

Pure essential oils - find out about their extraordinary properties
Noble, sophisticated, a bit mysterious and completely natural - that is exactly what they are. Essential oils are a wealth of ingredients enclosed in a small bottle. In ancient times, they were considered to be a real treasure and for a long time, only few people knew how to obtain them. Today, fortunately, we have almost unlimited access to them and we can confidently take advantage of their beneficial properties. However, this would not be possible without our sense of smell - one of the five basic human senses. Sometimes underestimated, placed a bit in the background - just behind vision and hearing. And yet, so necessary, because it influences our emotions and shapes our moods. Scents perceived by the sense of smell evoke memories of people, places or events in our lives. They can transport us in time and space, bringing us back to moments that have passed. We can miss certain smells and some of them help us "travel" to distant to distant parts of the world. Scents can have a relaxing, calming, soothing or stimulating effect. The smell of cut grass is associated with idyll and vacations spent at grandma's in the countryside, and the smell of freshly baked bread with home and safety. Each of us has such a smell that we would never like to forget, don't we?
Essential oils – a wealth of nature enclosed in a bottle
Volatile mixtures of organic chemical compounds with intense aroma, occurring in different parts of plants (seeds, flowers, roots, etc.) - this is how the definition describes essential oils. We also know that they are most often found in the form of an oily liquid that does not dissolve in water. Essential oils, contrary to what their name might suggest, are actually highly concentrated substances. Used in a rational and thoughtful way, they can bring a number of benefits to our health - both physical and mental. But used carelessly, they pose a danger that can cause irritation and burns to the body. A characteristic feature of essential oils is their intense smell - that's for sure. But each of them also has a multidirectional biological activity - it includes from tens to hundreds of compounds with different concentrations and properties. And they really work J
Plants have been accompanying people in their daily lives for thousands of years. They are successfully used to improve health, well-being and, of course, beauty. We are well aware that they have specific healing properties and can complement conventional medicine. We gladly take advantage of their natural power, finding something for both our body and spirit. We use them extensively in the cosmetic, perfume, food and pharmaceutical industries. Thanks to plants, we can also learn about the benefits of essential oils.
From root to bottle - how are essential oils made?
In the simplest terms - in various ways. We can use their properties thanks to more or less complicated chemical or mechanical processes. The most popular method of obtaining essential oils is steam distillation. It is mainly used to obtain larger quantities of essential oils. The extrusion method, on the other hand, is used to extract the goodness of essential oils from citrus fruits. Extraction with volatile solvents is suitable for extremely delicate materials, such as rose petals. Then there is the oldest and most expensive method - cold absorption in fats (enfleurage).
Natural essential oil - so what kind...?
Just what you are looking for! Natural, when it comes to essential oils, simply means effective. The choice is huge, of course, but there are also rules to follow. First of all, don't fall for a scam often used by sellers. They refer to fragrance oils as essential oils. You need to know that these are two different products that have little in common. Fragrance oils are artificially derived and fully synthetic products. They cannot be attributed with any unique and proven health-promoting properties. They have nothing in common with essential oils except a similar smell. However, this does not mean that they do not find their areas of application - they work well as components of perfumes or home fragrance compositions. What is the easiest way to distinguish them from essential oils? It is enough to compare prices, because fragrance oils cost much less than essential oils. Extracting essential oils is a long and complicated process which has to translate into a specific price of the finished product and we - the consumers - should be aware of that.
What to choose, by color (or maybe smell?) - types of essential oils
Lavender oil, peppermint oil or patchouli oil? Each of them is different and unique. They have specific properties, they help with different ailments and they work well in different situations. They also smell completely different and this is one of the most important criteria of their choice. After all, what scents we like is an individual matter and even if an essential oil has magical properties and we cannot stand the smell of it, we simply will not use it.
Lavender essential oil
Herbal, floral and delicate - this is how the scent of lavender in the essential oil can be described. It has a relaxing, calming and extremely soothing effect. It helps us to fall asleep and positively affects the quality of sleep. It also reduces nervous tension, helps in the fight against recurrent migraines. What is important, it can also be applied directly to the skin. Lavender oil is one of the most commonly used essential oils doesn't surprise us at all. Add a few drops to a relaxing bath or sprinkle your bed (or more precisely, your pillow) with it and we guarantee you won't be able to get out of either.
Peppermint essential oil
Feel the mint in peppermint oil and take advantage of its refreshing properties. Its scent is probably familiar to everyone - after all, it has been with us practically since forever. Toothpaste, refreshing candies, chewing gum or grandma's favorite brew for stomach problems smells of mint. And this is its most common and popular application - stomach problems. But of course not the only one - peppermint oil will be perfect for your head that needs rest. Use it after a long day at work or study, or when you suffer from persistent headaches caused by fatigue. Peppermint oil creates a unique team with eucalyptus or orange oil, supporting and intensifying their action.
Rosewood essential oil
It has a delicate and simply beautiful scent, and also the power of precious properties. It relaxes, improves mood, calms stress and minimizes its effects. It is successfully used as an ingredient in cosmetics, because it soothes skin irritation and inflammation. It has refreshing, toning and firming properties. In our opinion, it is extremely...noble.
Patchouli essential oil
You probably already know this scent - it is very popular and often used in the perfume industry. Slightly mysterious, intriguing and certainly not obvious. It works as an aphrodisiac, increasing libido. You can use it during a relaxing bath, when it will pleasantly wrap your dry skin. It will soothe inflammation and act as an antibacterial agent. Its properties are not only good for the body, but also for the spirit - patchouli oil will reduce stress levels, calm you down and lift your spirits.
Orange essential oil
It energizes you from the first sniff. It smells delicate, pleasant and a bit bittersweet. It is associated with Christmas, so there is probably no one who does not like it. Its aromatic qualities are undeniable, but it can also boast of certain properties. It soothes the nerves, eliminates tension and improves mood. It helps treat headaches and reduces the unpleasantness associated with premenstrual tension. Its power also works on the skin - it makes it more elastic, regenerates and smooths it. Additionally, it can reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks.
Ylang-Ylang essential oil
This scent is completely different from all the others - floral, slightly fruity, delicate. The effect of this oil is also completely different! It allows you to regain harmony - it hugs and calms. It displays anti-depressive effects, helps to deal with stress and excessive nervousness. It regulates excessive excitability and takes care of sleep. It is perfect as an element of a relaxing and sensual massage or an aromatic bath.
Tea tree essential oil
Fresh, herbal and slightly spicy - certainly very distinctive. Not everyone may like it, but its unique properties make up for everything! First of all, it has anti-inflammatory properties, helping in the treatment of, for example, acne lesions. It regulates the sebaceous glands, eliminating oily skin. In addition, tea tree oil is said to promote good energy.
Sandalwood essential oil
Heavy, thick with woody and incense aromatic notes. One of the most valuable essential oils in the world, which can smell slightly different depending on the place of origin. It has a harmonizing, calming and soothing effect. It warms and refreshes at the same time. It supports concentration and has a positive influence on our perceptiveness. It is considered to be an aphrodisiac that increases libido.
Eucalyptus essential oil
Summer refreshment enclosed in a small bottle, although everyone may associate it differently. When needed, it will warm you up. At other times, it will act as an anti-inflammatory or stimulant. It is an excellent complementary treatment for nose, throat or sinus infections. Its crisp scent will be like a shot of good energy, so you can successfully use it when you need a boost or a wake-up call.
Clove essential oil
It smells intense, deep, spicy and again (like orange) somewhat festive. It helps to warm up the body and relax the muscles. Due to its warming effect, it can be used to minimize pain in various parts of the body. Its strong scent can be helpful in treating migraines. And it itself will be an essential ingredient in your home medicine cabinet.
Essential oils and their use
A recipe for accompanying tension and stress. Ideal for winter, but also for spring. And actually, they work well in every season of the year. A component of a home first aid kit and a part of natural care. Essential oils are much more than just lavender or vanilla scented liquids.
The most popular and one of the simplest forms of their application are widely understood inhalations. Just a few drops of your favorite essential oil added to a bowl of hot water and you can enjoy the soothing and medicinal scent. Of course, inhalations can be done with more professional equipment - diffusers or inhalers, but if you don't own one yet, don't worry! Even a simple bowl will work great at first. This form of using essential oils is a great way to fight infections and reduce stress. So, oil in hand and a relaxing time is guaranteed!
Did you know that some essential oils can be successfully applied directly to the skin? Of course, with appropriate precautions. Due to their strong effect, before use they should be diluted with a base oil (coconut or almond oil). All this in order to avoid skin irritation and even burns. No worries if mixing and diluting is too much of a challenge for you. There are oils that you can use on their own, which include the beautifully scented lavender and the extremely distinctive tea tree oil. In the form of poultices, essential oils are sometimes used in the supportive treatment of migraines. You can also use them for body massage - they will make it more attractive in terms of aroma and additionally intensify sensations.
Essential oils are also perfect in our bathroom. Their relaxing and healing properties can be used during an evening bath. Thanks to their action, an ordinary bath in the tub will turn into a home spa. It will help to calm down and relax, but also will smooth, moisturize and improve the overall condition of your skin. There is, of course, one small but important but - essential oils do not dissolve in water, so before adding them to the bath, you need to dilute them with a base oil (we have already written about this). They are also successfully used (and can be used alone) as an ingredient in cosmetics. After all, their action is so effective that we want our skin to benefit from it as well. Therefore, we enclose essential oils in creams, serums, shampoos or hair rubs. As long as we buy ready-made products in stores, there is nothing to worry about - they are certainly tested from every angle. But if you decide to experiment with the creation of cosmetics on your own, then again - remember that essential oils are highly concentrated substances that must be handled very carefully.
Essential oils also have a more "vital" and extremely desirable effect - they effectively repel stubborn insects. Applied to the skin, they discourage insects and speed up the healing of itchy bites. Which oils are particularly good in the role of such a deterrent? Definitely mint, basil, sometimes also lavender. These scents, unlike us humans, insects definitely do not like. Remember to use them in diluted form.
Aromatherapy - therapy using fragrance
Aromatherapy is like combining the pleasant with the useful. Focusing on getting the most out of essential oils. Essential oils which, apart from their well-known and proven health-promoting properties, have a unique ability to improve one's mood with their intense scent. Aromatherapy consists of inhaling volatile substances that affect the respiratory and nervous systems. It is a branch of science that combines chemical, biological and herbal knowledge. It is known all over the world and successfully used by many people. It is sometimes referred to as the "smell therapy" because it stimulates the part of the brain responsible for emotions such as happiness, pleasure and elation.
Home aromatherapy using diffusers, inhalers or fireplaces can be used for various purposes, from which everyone can choose something for themselves - depending on the needs and preferences. It is ideal for people who have trouble sleeping. Lavender, sandalwood and lemon balm oils will have a relaxing effect. Invite them to your bedroom or use during evening care. If you are someone who often has to face headaches or migraines, aromatherapy can bring relief to your suffering. Try peppermint or eucalyptus oil, which will help alleviate the effects of these unpleasant ailments. Aromatherapy is also the undisputed queen of treating a runny nose or short infections. The antibacterial effect of oils such as rosemary, clove or sandalwood successfully supports conventional treatment, and sometimes it can replace it (in case of minor infections). But that's not all, as aromatherapy can also be a great "shot" of energy improving our mood. It is definitely worth including it in your morning ritual - citrus oils or the one with a refreshing mint scent will add energy and strengthen concentration.
"Code" for the safe use of essential oils
In the topic of essential oil, safety comes last, but that doesn't make it any less important! In the case of essential oils, less is definitely more - the basic rule of using them is to use small amounts. Just a few drops are enough to benefit from their therapeutic effect. We also do not use them directly on the skin - as we have written before. Essential oils can be allergenic - they rarely cause an allergic reaction, but it can happen. Therefore, if the adventure with essential oils is still ahead of you, remember to start with a low concentration - it will be much safer. Before using them, you can do an allergy test to reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions. Additionally, keep essential oils out of the reach of children so you can avoid the stress of getting into their little hands.
100% natural and from a verified source - such oils are certainly more safe. But still, you need to approach them with respect, reason and a bit of caution. They can be treated as natural medicines, after all, plants are very often an ingredient of drugs produced in the pharmaceutical industry. Essential oils are still a little undiscovered area, maybe that is why they are so interesting for us? We decided to find out and introduce these tiny wonders to our offer. From now you will be able to enjoy their benefits to your heart's content. Are you tempted?