Benefits of yoga

Benefits of yoga

Benefits of yoga

Only you and her - yoga

Yoga is relaxation, rest, an excellent dose of endorphins, and at the same time a source of relief for our minds. This activity is actually for everyone, primarily because it gives you the opportunity to choose your path among the many available roads. Yoga is difficult to attribute to the category of "sport" because it is different from all other disciplines. Yoga is also not "standing on your head" - which we often associate with. Yoga is not about your skills or acrobatic skills, it is about you - the opportunity to be in your own company. After all, yoga allows you to take care of your body and your soul.

Why is yoga worth giving a chance?

  • It works like a painkiller - it can reduce muscle aches or headaches
  • Strengthens muscles and joints
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Is the best rehabilitation for the spine
  • Slims the figure
  • Helps in maintaining a healthy body and good condition
  • Improves metabolism

We already know what benefits it has for the body but what about the soul?

  • Calms you down and teaches you how to control negative emotions
  • Helps to deal with stress
  • It is an injection of energy and well-being
  • Improves concentration
  • Helps regain internal balance

And above all, it initiates a change in our lives - a change in lifestyle. Thanks to yoga, we learn to live in accordance with the "slow life" philosophy - we are able to appreciate trifles, stop for a moment in the rush of everyday life and give ourselves the right to rest.

Yoga at home

All you need is a moment of free time, a comfortable outfit, a piece of free floor, a good yoga mat and mood - relaxing music and lit candles. And that is it! Try to relax, close your eyes, think about something pleasant and ... breathe. Because breath is life and an oxygenated body and mind functions better.

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